
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Freelance Marketing!

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hi all

Im planning on setting up a ltd company and working freelane as a digital/social media marketer. I need a funky name for this buniess. Something that shows im a 21st century marketing professional leaving tradtional marketing and taking the digital world by the horns etc....I know i should be able to do this myself but it feels too close to home. Please help :-)
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Funky Media
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    21st Century Marketing
    Take the world by the horns
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Kwizz Marketing
    Linkbuzz Marketing
    Dazzlefire Marketing
    Jabberfly Marketing
  • Posted on Accepted
    you can call "Today Media freelancer" or MKT freelancer.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I'm sure I'm in the minority, but from years of doing outbound marketing, I'm just not a fan of catchy names, overlay specific names, restrictive names...

    it is nice to be funky and nontraditional, but you need to build trust and confidence to get big accounts.

    If you do a Google search on something like, "largest advertising agencies" I think you'll find that the majority of successful and established firms have very traditional names.

    Before I was sidelined by injury, I was personally planning to change my firm name to "Krehbiel Krehbiel Fitzgerald" since this would position my firm as a professional firm featuring the synergy of experts.

    I have marketed many firms who have specific names which often no longer match their current offerings. It is a painful process to explain to everyone why the company name and domain name and brochure no longer fit the current business model. also, if you call to introduce your company named "we sell green widgets" then it is easy for a prospect to say, "sorry we don't need any. It is more effective to introduce such a company as "WSGW” so that the prospect says, "what you guys do?"

    The reality is that after you are in business, you will most likely be chasing any kind of business you can find. You don't want to be limited by your name to a specific type of business or specific type of buyer.

    Good luck.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    one more thought. If you had started a business seven years ago, you might have named it "fantastic e-mail marketing". If you had started the business three years ago, you might have named it "fantastic search engine optimization marketing". If you start the business today, you might name it "fantastic social media marketing." With everything changing so fast, do you want to tie your corporate name to a technology or approach?

    But it seems to me that you can still use a fancy name. You might have a somewhat boring corporate name, but then brand your implementation of a technology. For example, you could use one of the names suggested above as a brand name for what you currently do. This allows you to look innovative and funky and creative without eternally pigeonholing your business in one area.

    In reality, you will probably be chasing money. If it turns out that you develop an excellent working relationship with the owner of a business in a certain vertical market, then you need to be free to serve their best interests, rather than to accommodate yesterday's idea of a snazzy business name. Good luck to you.

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