
Topic: Taglines/Names

T-shirt Brand Name

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
hi, need your suggestions guys,

we are into printing of different souvenir items, also tshirt. whatever design that a customer wants, we will print right a way into the tshirt.

i would like to get your suggestion on what brand bane should we use in the t-shirt, like the tags. please help. i was looking at graphiTEE. :) any suggestions will help. thank u
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi - you may want to think about search engine optimization, (if you have a website). People are more likely to search for T Shirt, so I would use that as the primary name and put something on the end:

    1. T Shirt graphics

    2. T Shirt 4U

    3. T Shirt design

    4. T Shirt grafix

    Hope those are of use. They should fit on the label too!

  • Posted on Accepted
    "Need more say: MY T shirt"..

    customize your T shirt with graphics..
    you can just try to keep it simple, rather than more technical name..

    Hope you ll be satisfied.

    Pranjal Karpe

  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi- for a t-shirt brand as wat you require, you shudnt limit your options with something that has to have T-shirt or TEE in the brand name. Rather for something that your doing, a catchy yet unique name would fit in as well. For example - i knw guys who do the same thing and there brand is Myntra. They do exactly what you're planning to do, so dun restrict yourself by choosing a name that needs to have T-Shirt in it.

    As for Search Engine Optimisation- you can do that by various other ways and not just by using your brand name alone. I do like your choice graphiTEE for the name.
    Maybe you can go something like
    graphiTEE ... giving form/shape to your memories
    graphiTEE ... stand apart, define yourself

    I hope it helps. If you still want some other suggestions for the name pls let me knw, can help u with that .

    Cheers RJ
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Accepted
    Tees Me
  • Posted on Accepted
    hi, i also like TEEs Me. iv searched from the internet but there is already graphiTEE :(

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