
Topic: Taglines/Names

Usp Input

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
The name of my start up company is P4P MarKeting Group (Pay for Performance Marketing Solutions).We provide small business with customer aquisition and retention strategies and tactics to increase their business groth and profit.We currently have 2 USP's that we are testing and I would like members on the following:
P4P Marketing Group"We perform or you don't pay" [inactive link removed]
P4P Marketing Group "Marketing solutions is our biz"

Any comments suggestions,additions or new creative is much appreciated.
P4P Marketing Group Inc.

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Just comparing the two slogans - "We perform or you don't pay" and "Marketing solutions is our biz" - the former one is much more powerful and unique.

    "Marketing solutions is our biz" is the type of slogan that just about every marketing firm uses. It says what you do in general. Doesn't specifically say what you can do for a company. Oh, is the grammar error in there on purpose ('are' should have been used instead of 'is').

    "We perform or you don't pay" instead of saying what you do, says a bit more about what you will do for the customer. Customers want to know what they are going to get, and that they will get their money's worth. This slogan is much better at saying that, and is likely to draw more people to look at you.

    Based on the prior post saying that the websites did not work, I did not try to view them.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member

    If your competitors don’t offer "We perform or you don't pay" then you something more powerful than a unique selling proposition -- you have a market positioning statement in summary form – the first and number one "We perform or you don't pay" service company.

    See previous question link:

    hope this helps,

    - Steve
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    "Marketing solutions is our biz" isn't really unique ... thats what most of us in here do!

    Now the "We perform or you don't pay" USP, I like. And I would think is almost definately unique in our industry, and well worth you pushing as your core message.

  • Posted on Member

    How about:

    "You only pay out of extra profit we earn you"
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    Your question asks for "USP input" - I don't believe either tag line describes a Unique Selling Proposition. For example, a Google search for "pay for performance" generates over 160,000 hits. How are you really different from those other 160,000?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I'm with the group on the performance guarantee as being the stronger of the two options. I'd urge, however, that you see if you can find a way to be more specific to your industry and directly relevant to the client benefit.

    Example: "The clicks will convert to sales, or we'll buy it ourselves -- guaranteed success."

    That isn't meant to be literal copy (I'm NOT a copywriter), but rather a way of taking your guarantee and saying it in client-speak, instead of agency-speak, and letting them know what business you're in at the same time.

    That's the real point. Your USP should tell the clients what the benefit will be for THEM, not how hard YOU will work or what YOU will do. And it should be clear to them what the context is. They need to know immediately whether you're selling advertising creative, package design, SEO, etc., etc.?
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    What about...

    "Earning your success."

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