
Topic: Taglines/Names

'flaunt At Your Own Risk'-positive Or Negative????

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi, I am located in South Asia and soon I;m gonna start mt T-shirt business. The brand name I have chosen, but for the tag line, is it ok to write- 'Flaunt at your own risk'? Would it pose a negative vibe on the viewer or is it fine to write such a tagline?..please help or suggest me some new if possible. thank you!
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    It doesn't really work for me. However, I doubt I am in the target demographic.

    More to the point: how will your target audience perceive it?

    Who are they?
    What are they buying now?
    Why should they buy from you?

    Is English the primary language there? Which country is it?
  • Posted on Accepted
    In America, your tag has a perceived negative vibe. The phrase that you are riffing on is "flaunt it if you got it" and it was popular in the 70s and 80s as a message of taking pride over whatever made you stand out, especially in the wealth or looks category. This tag you've written suggests a threat to taking that pride- that some ill may come of it. Even in South Asia, you live in times that it may well be seen as a cryptic message warning against the sin of pride. Is this the message you want to send? If not, try a phrase that is emblematic of your company's core message. Or at least one you'd want it to be.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Potentially negative connotations. Not worth the risk. You can do better.

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