
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Bookkeeping Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm interested in suggestions for a catchy name for a bookkeeping business. Something that is going to stand out from the crowd and portray a professional but approachable image.

Bookkeepers can't do accounts and accountants don't want to do the books. We aim to be the link between business and accountant.

We will eventually offer training services so that business can understand their accounts and bookkeeping.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    The Bookkeeper-Accountant Solution
  • Posted on Accepted
    I'd consider keeping it short, sweet, & memorable.

    "Booked Up"
    "Completely Booked" Complete Bookeeping Services.
    "Totally Booked" Total Bookeeping Services.

    I personally think cathcy is more memorable and stands out from the crowd. With today's "noise" you need to be memorable and stand out. Good luck!
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    The Sharp End BookKeeping

    This acknowledges the client and you both 'working at the coal face or sharp-end' at your crafts....not just someone talking the talk and taking their funds without also knowing what real 'work' is. I hope the pencil image might also be evident.

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks so much for the prompt response everyone. I like short, sweet and memorable - I think this is what I was leaning towards when I said 'catchy'. Agree that catchy is not always professional and I guess that is my dilemma when considering a name. It is the first impression someone may have of the type of business I run so want to get it right first time.
    Thanks again. Think I will definitely be back with more questions once we get started.

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