
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Marketing Consultant

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hello everyone,

I would like to get some suggestions on a tagline for my marketing consultancy. The name of my company is Blue Mtn.

Here is a little more about us:

Target Market:
Established local small businesses (no start-ups) who need help marketing their businesses more effectively.

Why would people buy from us?
What we do can be summed up in this – we help entrepreneurs and businesses who are stuck in the “status quo”. If you don't like the crop you are reaping you need to change the seed you are sowing. We offer a fresh perspective, we are brutally honest with them, and we create plans that are simple and easy to follow. Our goal is to not to merely level the competitive playing field, but to tilt the field to our clients' advantage.

What's with the name?
The name Blue Mtn is sort of a metaphor. Running a small business is a lot like climbing a mountain. It’s tough sledding, but once you get to the top, there is no greater feeling in the world. That’s what Blue Mtn is all about, getting businesses to the top.

I am just having trouble communicating "what I really do for clients" into a short, concise tagline. I obviously need the word marketing in there since it is not in my company name, but besides that I am open to all suggestions.

Let me know if you have any Q's for me! You guys rock.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    A couple of quick thoughts:

    The Small Business Marketing Advantage
    Marketing To Energize Small Businesses
  • Posted on Member
    my thoughts are:
    even small businesses can play with the big boys
    marketing small business for them to grow

    or better phrasing for those. hope this helps
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    It seems to me that you are providing a higher level of strategy for your small business clients, so maybe ...

    From ordinary to extraordinary through strategy
    A strategic difference for small businesses
    Strategies that create big changes
    Grow your business through strategic thinking

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Steve Byrne is one smart marketer. But my experience has been that smaller businesses are terrified by the word "strategy." They think they need ACTION, and strategy sounds too academic for them.

    Of course they DO need strategy, and it's usually more important than whatever tactics they use ... but I would worry that putting the "S-word" in your tagline might scare off the very people you're trying to attract.

    (Most companies don't seem to value strategy as much as they do the result. Strategy isn't a benefit. Duh!)
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Is it too late to change the name? Blue Mtn is really generic, and you have to read a whole story to figure out the meaning and its relevance to what you do.

    If you could either allude to the benefit or to the fact that you're a marketer [in the name] that would let you use your tagline to punctuate the benefit and/or identify the target audience. As it is you have to do all of that in the tagline, and that's going to be difficult, if not impossible.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks you all for your feedback.

    Mgoodman, you make a very good point about the word ‘strategy’. I agree with you 100% that small business owners are initially looking for tactics to improve sales today. (I of course convince them of the value of a strategy)

    As to your concern about the name, like everything in business, it’s not set in stone. I am certainly open to your suggestions. Regarding the “metaphor”, I of course do not go out and use this in my pitch to clients, I was simply giving insight into how we arrived at the name.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you guys for all of your feedback.

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