
Topic: Taglines/Names

Event Planner Name Suggestions

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi, I am starting my own Event Planning business and I need to come up with a name that implies style, intelligence and exudes a 'cool' vibe. I'll be starting off doing low key events such as parties and weddings, but eventually I want to branch off into large scale functions, concerts and festivals. This is why I want to be known as an Event Planner rather than a Party Planner. Any help, anyone could offer, would be greatly appreciated. I'm a single mother trying my hardest to maximise my earnings while at the same time, be around for my children as much as possible.
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    I would support Phil's cautionary note, as the function of the Event Planner is to take on all the work the client wants done, without forgetting a single microscopic detail. You're there for the plaudits when all goes well, and to shoulder the blame if it doesn't. It's a really tough job.

    Most Event Planners who work on their own or in a start-up phase have one thing in common: No life outside work.

    That said, it could be fun, but it seems incompatible with your personal objectives.

    I applaud your initiative but think you have not researched your career selection enough.

    Have you thought about consulting a professional career adviser for help?
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the advice. I do appreciate it and I understand how time consuming Event planning and management can be.

    The reason I have decided to venture into Event Planning is because basically I've been doing it for years for nothing and I've decided to turn it into a career.

    I realise that Event planning is a time consuming job, but it's one I can do mostly from home. My children are at school and I currently work, so they attend daycare both before and after school. The research and preperation is something I would be able to do during school hours and luckily I have an incredible family who are willing to support me with babysitting on nights and weekends, while I set up and co-ordinate an event.

    I am planning on starting this business very slowly. Taking on smaller, less intensive functions to begin with as I will not be able to give up work to pursue this full time until I have established a reputation of sorts. Eventually as my family grows along side my business, it will be something I can include them in.

    I realise this web site is based in the US but I live in Perth, Australia so I think the expectations of the people I would be working for would be slightly differnent. Perth is a rather sleepy, slow paced city, with few annual events that actually cause the city to stop and pause for a moment. That is something I would love to change. Kentucky has it's Derby, Glastonbery has it's rock festival. Perth needs something to put it on the worlds stage in the same sense and within the next 15 years, I plan to be the one running that show! :)
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member

    I'm Melbourne-based but I know Perth very well. If you need any assistance with business planning, guidance or mentoring as you progress with your quest, feel free to contact me - all details available via my profile (click my name above).

    Chris Blackman
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Chris, I really appreciate your offer. I will definately be in touch in the near future. I have a feeling I am going to need as much help as I can get!!! hahaha

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