
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Suggestions For Marketing Consultant

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello Everyone,

For the past 1 ½ I have been working as the marketing manager for a local company. I have been doing consulting on the side for the last 8 months, and I would like to eventually transition into doing it full time.
I suppose you would say that my USP is that I am a hip and creative marketer. My specialty is helping businesses differentiate themselves by creating an amazing customer experience and breaking out of their status quo. I also understand a lot of things that most small businesses owners don’t such as social media, website design, and seo and how to leverage these things for your brands.

Do you guys have any suggestions on names or taglines for my business?

Thanks in advance for your help…

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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Before you do anything further, get a copy of Rasputin For Hire and read it cover-to-cover. The subtitle is An inside look at management consulting between jobs or as a second career.

    Then, after you understand better what you're getting into, let us help you with a name and tagline for your consulting business. (Hint: Being a "hip and creative marketer" are not benefits for your target audience.)

    BTW, if you order the book using the link above, you'll get a free report containing the transcript of a round table discussion with five of the experts here on MarketingProfs Know-How Exchange. They give some great pointers and advice for new marketing consultants.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    If Small Business is your target seems like ...
    Grass Roots Marketing,
    Fast Acting Marketing
    ....might be an advantage over larger multilayered firms.

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