
Topic: Taglines/Names

Loooking For A Unique Pet Shop Name.

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello every1. my name is Salman Merchant. I have an online pet shop and I deal all kinds of exotic birds and animals.. I deal only on order basis and I get my order online. But the main issues with me is I don't have any brand name or tag line with me. Now I am planning to start a proper pet shop with all the pet requirements including live pets. My main business revolves around birds.

I have being doing this business online since the past 2 years and it is going pretty well. We had a brand name before ( Birds & More) but after separation from partners I couldn't use that name. Since the last one year I am alone in business and using the same technique for getting order i.e. putting classified ads on free website advertising online with just my name and cell number in the end.

I believe a brand name is of high significance and gives weight-age. I want to have a very unique brand name (Shop name) which will give an impact.

I had a name in my mind - Petxotic

But would like help and assistance from people for few more name.

My other query is, as I am starting a shop what should be the kind of advertising I should do to attract clients in my new shop.

I am just 23 years old and assistance from professionals would be great help..

Salman Merchant.
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  • Posted on Author
    Thanx Latahnja n Phil for your replies.

    I would like to tell that Pet-xotic doesnt give the impact of TOXIC.... its PET-XOTIC.

    Other thing which Phil expressed was "the bird man of..." I liked the name but I want a name which is short and catchy.

    I want the name to revolve around Pets or Exotic or Birds...

    Thanx once again.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Birds Of A Feather
    Nice Birdy
    Pet My Bird
    Here, Polly!
  • Posted on Member
    regardless of the debate whether Petxotic is a good name for your business I just checked and there is already a petxotic. com so we should just move on to other names that are available since your primary retail channel is online: : -great domain easy to rank for that key phrase. if you like it get it now. Plays with you last name too.

  • Posted on Member
    Exotic Pets For Sale

    Bird's Paradise

    The Kingdom of Birds

    Birds Kingdom

    Animal Kingdom

    The Paradise of Birds and the Bees

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Big Money. Its true that my retail is through online but nw I am venturing into starting a shop also, so I need a name which is useful for the site as well as the name if the shop. I like animal kingdom but Its already being used by some1.

    Thanx once again.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Petzotic looks better than Petxotic which definitely looks like toxic at first glance.

    If you don't believe me and others about that, then read this article which explains a study which found that as long as the first and last letter are in place, you can jumble all the other letters around inside a word and people can still raed and udnerstnad it. Point made, I hope?

    If you want an amusing name, try "Pining for the Fjords". If you don't know why that's funny, watch this: for a comprehensive explanation.

    Good luck.

  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Go with the university idea (expert).....great for tshirts...

  • Posted on Author
    Hello Friends n Expert. This question was raised by me on 11/4/2010 at 3:51 PM

    The good news is finally I have rented a shop n made and agreement and my shop will start Inshallah from Monday.

    The bad new is I am yet to decide on the "Brand" name :( :(

    I have few names but I m still not satisfied with them...


    I like the name Salman's Exotics Pets... but some how i feel its related to my name but not with pets... I need some connection to the pets as well as me.. Besides Google will not give my results as the name starts with "SALMAN" and not with "EXOTICS" or "PETS"...

    My main stream line is with birds than other pets.

    I also want a catchy tag line with the Brand name...

    Experts plz suggest!!

    Salman MErchant

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