
Topic: Social Media

Marketing Expert Interview For Chicago Tribune

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am looking for a marketing expert to interview for a column I'm working on about VocalPoint, Pssst!, Kraft First Taste and other sample programs. My column is mostly about how consumers can use these programs to score free stuff, but I'd like a marketing perspective on the exchange of value that goes on and what the companies get out of the experience.
If you're up for a brief phoner over the weekend or Monday, please email me at [Email address deleted by staff].
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    I would have thought any one of the top four on this forum would be happy to give you an interview.

    Jay Hamilton-Roth

    You will not find a shrinking violet amongst 'em!

    Hope that helps.

  • Posted by klynch on Accepted
    Kathy Baughman, Managing Partner
    ComBlu llc

    Our 2010 Study of the 'State of Online Branded Communites' included Kraft. Report will be released 11/19/10
  • Posted on Author
    Kathy, that would be great! Should I call you this afternoon? Anytime after around 1 p.m. would work for me.
    Or if I could call before 8:45 a.m., as in in the next 1/2 hour.

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