
Topic: Taglines/Names

Domain Name Ideas Needed For A Online Video Guide?

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
Hello all, im having my website designed as we speak but im finding it very hard to come up with a domain name, im looking for a keyword based domain name but ill also look at a catchy name if it sounds good enough.

My website is a online video guide, similar to and - check for ideas so you understand what my site is about, so there for i would prefer to use thoses keywords (online video guide) as they normally do well in searches. Ive looked at different meanings for thoses keywords aswell but i have failed to come up with anything good so far.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Why don't you just tell us what the criteria are for picking your domain name. That way we don't have to search websites to figure out what you want.

    Tell us who your target audience is and what unique and important benefit you offer them. Tell us how you are different from, and better than, you competition. Why should someone visit your site?

    And after you have a great domain name, how are people going to find you? What's the marketing plan? (You're not going to rely on just natural search alone, are you?)
  • Posted by iFocus on Accepted
    might be taken though.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Top Pick All

    try and work with this root theme...

    TOPIKAL Video

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