
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Spa And Fitness

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have been asked to name our new health, Spa & fitness Center with some unique & attractive name. Please suggest me some names.
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Highlight amenities -- are you more fitness than spa or do you specialize in a new version of spa treatment? Consider those questions, as well.
  • Posted by iFocus on Accepted
    Pure Heaven
    Sculpt & Relax
  • Posted by bill.hall on Accepted
    I think Fitness and Spa should be in the name since that is so important for people seeing your name at a glance -from a sign, an advertisement, etc. I also am not sure if you are more of a spa than a fitness center or more of a fitness center than a spa. I would guess fitness would come first, since you would be less likely to cater to the just spa people who don't excercise - although I could be wrong. With that in mind, I would recommend:

    1. Asking people who are hardcore fitness customers.

    2. Have a contest - it is a great way to get a name and a great way to get publicity and word of mouth about your business. Give prizes to the top 10 names and word will spread. You'll build a great house list at the same time. Offer those who did not win a coupon to join and work all of them as hot leads.

    Healthy World Fitness and Spa
    Healthy Body Fitness and Spa
    New You Fitness and Spa
    Universal Fitness and Spa

    Hope that helps!
  • Posted on Author
    it will be 50% fitness and 50% spa
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted

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