
Topic: Taglines/Names

New Tagline Needed For An Existing Business

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Practical Punting New Tagline

Who: Practical Punting provides racing and punting information for punters and racing enthusiasts of every kind. Our products and services - whether free or fee-based, online or offline - are designed to help people improve their punting. Please don’t judge us by our current website, it was stuck in 80’s but we are moving to the 2010’s now!

Most of our products are the betting products about horse racing we sell to our database and to the visitors of the website.

What: We want a new tagline.

Why: Our current tagline (To Educate, Entertain & Enrich)doesn’t build on our strengths, doesn’t differentiate us from our competitors. We are going to be updating and relaunching the website. We are going to be offering new products for the new target market. We also want to have a new tagline to go with our new website and new products.

Target market: Current:

The current clients of Practical Punting is an older demographic. They are not as Internet savvy, and not the best adaptors of emerging technologies such as consumption of social media channels and extensive use of smart phones. Male and over 40

Target market: Future

Practical Punting wants to attract younger, professional and more mobile demographics while not alienating its current target market.

Our competitors: They mostly have one product, don’t have the history we have, the variety and depth of content we have, and mostly affiliated with betting companies

Key strengths:

• We are an independent publisher, no affiliation with any other betting companies.
• Practical Punting has been one of the world’s leading horse racing and betting publishers for 25 years. Publishing Australia’s leading horse racing magazine each month since 1985
• A large talent pool of experienced writers
• An overflow of unique and quality punting content - printed over 300 issues, 15,000 pages, 10 million words … all on punting.
• Strong web presence and a regular in top 20 websites in Sports Betting and Horse Racing categories in Australia (Hitwise)

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  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Very informative question, thanks.

    Track Details for the Impatient.

    Matchmaking for Philly Phans.

    Hope that gets you and us out of the gate ....sorry.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Turning Readers Into Winners
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I nominate this question for an award for explaining the situation and the need better than any other question in 2010.

    And I don't think I can do any better than Jay's suggestions above ... though I'll be thinking about it.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
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