
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Betta & Goldfish Wholesaler

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Your expertise is desperately needed! requesting help creating tagline for a portion of our company: Sublime Water Garden. We are creating portfolio to distribute Bettas & Goldfish to floral companies and for events/occasions. Think of a specialty flower bouquet with live fish. At this moment we are focusing on B2B relationships.

We have created a Betta & Goldfish color wheel focusing on healthy, high quality fish, endless color variations, species variations, large quantities. Products will include care sheet & live fish guarantee.

Ideas that desparately need help: Splash of Tranquility, Colors to fit any Occasion...

Need tagline for both Betta & Goldfish.
Hope this helps, Thank you in advance!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I think we need to understand better (a) exactly who your target audience is, and (b) what your positioning benefit is.

    Why should someone in your target audience buy from you? What need of theirs do you satisfy? Or do you have a product in search of a market?

    Have you spoken with the floral company owners/managers to see what questions they might have, what problems they would love to solve, how they consider new ideas (like yours), and how they would make a decision to take on live fish as part of their offering?

    That's the place to start. If you start with what YOU want to sell, it's going to be tough sledding. Better if you start with the customer need and work backward from there to your solution (to their problem).
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for taking the time to reply.

    My target audience for the Betta Bouquets/Living Bouquets right now would be for example, floral shops/distributors in which we are already in communication with regarding the products offered... But have hopes of eventually having customizable bouquets available for retail: corporate gifts, special occasions, kids, etc...

    Why should they buy from us is exactly what we want to get across, and those points are listed within portfolio as well. It's the points stated above: focusing on healthy, high quality fish, endless color variations, large quantities. Products will include care sheet & live fish guarantee.

    I like your questions, hopefully now you kinda get the gist...But I'm still in need of a catchy tagline!!!

    Thank you mgoodman!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    A Beautiful Moving Gift
    Colorful Live Bouquets For Every Occasion
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Lightning In A Bottle

    Living Fireworks
  • Posted on Author
    Love the ideas, keep em coming!

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