
Topic: Social Media

What Do You Think Of Our New Branding On Twitter?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm looking for knee-jerk reactions to our new twitter profiles that were launched today.

We've created one profile for employees that want to use it:

..and one for the corporate Twitter account:

The design is part of our new (yet to be launched) web redesign strategy.

I just thought it would be interesting to get feedback from this community. And to get people thinking about what they think is effective.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The corporate Twitter page doesn't work.

    What's the objective of the exercise? What are we supposed to be evaluating? How does this fit with the company's overall objective? With the marketing objective?

    Did you prepare a Creative Brief for the Twitter profiles? If so, maybe you can share it with us. And if not, how will you know what success looks like? (And how would WE know?)
  • Posted on Accepted
    All I know is I wish my name was Kim so I could steal "Kimbrulait."

    I like the clean, polished, professional look of your sites. I enjoyed some of your posts even. In fact, I'm starting to believe your posting was a strategic marketing tactic to get us to your site – brilliant! :o)
  • Posted on Author
    mgoodman - as stated I'm looking for knee-jerk reaction gut responses. Of course there was a creative brief. I'm curious about what people think when they land on that page....I'm not asking you to tell what success looks like. I'm just curious about the reaction from different groups. It's perhaps the biggest challenge with our biz - we need to cater to a very technical audience and a very non-technical audience.

    TerryVeiga - thanks. yep that nickname is strategic. and perhaps my question was too. :)

    So far two responses with entirely different reactions.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Knee-jerk gut reaction: Interesting idea. But not interesting enough for me to figure out what you/the company has to do with those well-known brands.

    Overall positive. Not particularly exciting, but certainly positive. (3.5 out of 5 stars). Maybe what holds it back for me is the name Oshyn, which doesn't mean anything or say anything ... so I wonder what it is I'm supposed to think/what the communication objective might be.

    OK. That's my gut reaction.
  • Posted by MANSING on Accepted
    I found both the pages are extremely rich in terms of providing necessary information. Only thing is you need to add more followers ….brilliant job!!

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Visually, both are nice looking (aside: on OShyn_Inc page, the background graphic is obscured for the company name and "Imagine what we...").

    I'm assuming you're tracking click-thrus to see what's being noticed. As far as effectiveness - you're the best judge of that, not based simply on # of followers, but actions of those followers.

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