
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Business/website

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My new business venture creates a new profit center for rv resorts and campground owners. Many campers travel with dogs and are far from home. Our company will supply campgrounds with dog ID tags with the name of the campground, address, telephone number and camp site number. When a dog wanders away from its campsite, this tag will make it simple to return the pet to its owner. Campground owners will charge a small tag rental fee. Additionally we will sell computerized ID tag engraving machines to sell new tags to pet owners whose pet's tags are worn, old or contain incorrect information. I need a name for the business and website. Can you help?
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  • Posted by johnwhitepaper on Accepted
  • Posted on Accepted
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted

    It's a reference to a Chevy Chase movie and a tribute to Elvis, that old hound dog lover!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I'm a little confused about the target audience. Are you selling this to campground managers or campground consumers? It seems to me that the campground managers are your distribution arm, while the campground consumers are the ultimate end-users.

    So now you want a name for the business and a domain name. WHO is going to find/use your website? What would they be searching for? How will they get to the website? What important need of theirs are you addressing?

    Then I'd ask the same about the name of the company. Is the company a one-product company, or do you really need a product name? Who is supposed to notice the company name, and what do you want it to communicate?

    You indicate that you have a business plan for this business. While we certainly don't need the whole business plan, some information about the overall marketing strategy would probably help us deal with your request for a name (and a domain name).

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