
Topic: Taglines/Names

Hospitality, Lodging & Wine Tourism Consulting

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
The company - Grape Leaf Hospitality, needs a tagline that better conveys the consulting services offered and specialized niche market being served.

The market includes: inns, bed and breakfasts and wineries with lodging.

Any help great appreciated! Thanks!
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  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Phil - good point!

    *Business needs assessments to improve organizational effectiveness
    *Destination marketing services to align products, promotions, marketing, and sales solutions to attract customers
    * Customer service assessments to evaluate and design unforgettable customer experiences
    #*Sales development strategies to optimize the distribution and results of products
    * Separating you from your competition
    * Branding and messaging your business's uniqueness
    * Identifying new opportunities for growth
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    As Phil said....

    What makes you better at doing that than all of your competition?

    Your USP, region, country, target market etc.?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I agree that the name doesn't communicate the benefit you provide, but the nature of your consulting business is such that you'll probably have to explain it to each prospective client one-on-one.

    I'm not sure a tagline will do much for you, since a sound-bite isn't likely to convince anyone to place an order. The best you can hope for is that it will identify your target audience and let them know you are "one of them" (i.e., you understand their situation).

    Let's start with where and how the tagline would appear to your target audience. Surely you wouldn't post it on a sign near your office; they're not drive-by customers. And if it's only on your website, you have an opportunity to communicate more than a simple tagline; you can have a headline, a picture, a caption for the picture, and a limited amount of copy to begin the dialogue with them.

    And if you have an ad in the trade journal (those old-fashioned print things), you can communicate more than just a short tagline.

    So let's think about the objective and your marketing strategy. If a tagline is important for you, I'm all for helping you develop one. But if it's a tagline for its own sake, then I think we (and you) have bigger fish to fry.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
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