
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Needed: Professional Audio Video Online Store

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hello everyone!

I need help naming a store that will be selling professional audio, video, and lighting equipment. It will have mid - high end gear with the base office located about an hour south of Raleigh, NC.

This store will also offer a installation section to offer advice and customizations in regards to items purchased for an install. My hope that this can be more than just another store but also a valuable resource for those in the AV industry.

Criteria I would like to see met but I am open to any and all ideas.

- Easy to remember (short if possible)
- Does not necessarily have to have audio visual or technical or anything like that in the title but if you can make it work then that's cool too.
- An uncommon name would be nice too to help branding stand out more.

I am looking forward to hearing you ideas! Please feel free to ask if you need any clarification.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    What about something like

    "Be the Spotlight"

    "Do a Show"

    "AV Spot"

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Here are some available domain names that might be of interest:
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Who is the competition? Can you tell us more about the target audience? What do they wish they had that they can't get from your competitors?

    Two years from now when we ask one of your satisfied customers why they buy from you, what would you love to hear them say?

    Jay's suggestion "" is pretty good. If the company name is "AV Equipment Experts" then a tagline could be something like "Serving Professionals in [RegionName]." (That would keep the amateurs away and make the professionals comfortable that you're focused on them. Also lets them know you're local.)
  • Posted on Author
    nice questions mgoodman! You actually sparked some greater in depth research that i need to do.

    Here is where I sit right now.

    Competition sites:

    The main one I want to be able to compete with ultimately is sweetwater .com. But that will take time to build up the sheer volume of content and create the connections they have right now.

    Target Audience:
    Beginner to the expert. I want anyone to be able to come to the site and gain valuable knowledge, advice and products. My education was from personal study coupled with real world experience. I want to provide everyone with the resources they need to help improve their real world experience, as well as a place to show off what they are doing.

    What would I like to hear someone say that bought from this company?

    "Man I loved working with those guys! They were a huge help!”

    My passion and drive is to help people. Whether it is showing them how something works, teaching them proper installation methods or helping them save money by doing an installation correctly the first time. I just want to help. I just need to lay out the services correctly.

    What I want to separate myself from other retailers?
    Quality both in service and in products. But also I am planning out some other areas including the following. This is the 3 second list. My head is hurting with all the ideas right now.

    - eBay type of listing used gear that anyone can post to
    - Installation section that has true system designers not just AV contractors
    - Help venues properly obtain bids and designs that can be compared
    - DIY repair section
    - Band promotion
    - Local techs spotlight

    I hope this helps figure it out more. I could type pages on this thing so i tried to keep it short.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    I have been a satisfied customer of both and I had never heard of until your post. In your mind is sweetwater in the number three position for this niche? It seems to me that the first two have executed your stated marketing goals better than sweetwater, so why are you planning to compete with number three (or perhaps sweetwater is in another niche??)

    As for a name, I would start with the word "musicians" for seo and tagging reasons. So Musicians (something like store, resource etc) is available!

  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Very broad and ambitious style/wish list for yourself.

    Perhaps something that deals with both resale and recording plus AV would be;

    TakeTwo or

    Very theatrical feel too.

  • Posted by KSmith on Accepted
    Just going to try and keep it simple here.

    How about

    Gets across the point of your store while maintaining it doesn't require a PHD to figure the stuff out.

    Best of Luck,

  • Posted on Author
    I hope everyone had a great new year! Because of the holiday, I am going to leave the question open one more day. This is only the second question I have posted on here and am not used to preset time limits so I want to make sure I leave enough time.

    @SteveByrne The list of stores online are in no real order. Sweetwater appears to be a much larger company and appears to be more of a challenge to compete with which is good for me because I really like challenges :)

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    In my google search using your question title as the keyword phrase ‘professional audio video online” ... evsonline comes up number one, and sweetwater comes up number four.

    By contrast, musiciansfriend and guitercenter are both way back in the results.

    Next using keywords “buy guitar online”, the results are guitarcenter and musiciansfriend number one and number two.

    So based on ten minutes of research, I would conclude that from the users pov sweetwater is in a separate broader segment from guitarcenter and musiciansfriend.

    My advice, target one segment at a time. Your competitors in the broader segment being evsonline, sweetwater and whoever the additional research suggests.

    hope this helps,

  • Posted on Accepted

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