
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Uniform Tshirt

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I need suggestions on what to print for our tshirt uniform to be worn by staff.

We are printing/design company like giveaways/tshirts and any paper materials for poster, flyers, etc. It's like a one stop print shop, but there are lots of tagline like that and it's not specific.

Our shirt would be our walking advertisement. in front, right side print would be our company name, and at the back i want something catchy that wen people see it, they will think and inquire immediately. plus i will put the multiply site and tel number. our market is every company and individual who wants to customize and personalize their stuff, but this line will only fit for giveaways and our market for companies that is in need of printing their collaterals will still be included in the tagline.

please feel free to suggest.

thanks so much.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Why not "Ask Me How To Win My Shirt!" That'll start a conversation about what you do and have a regular way to win free printing and/or shirts (a monthly business card draw?).
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Don't be left alone ....

    ..we've impressed thousands before you!

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