
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Needed For Stress Management Clinic;

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
i have a wellness clinic in mumbai, india. basically i practise flower therapy, which is vibrational medicine which helps correct the emotional/mental imbalances, which finally lead to the cure of any associated physical complaints. i also deal with stress management and energy medicine. i had zeroed down on the name: nirvana-mind body wellness, but i am having problems with domain names. i cant come to think of any website names to such an extent that i might even change my clinics name. any suggestions? here is just a website i created for fun, which has my logo and some very very basic information:

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    How about The domain is available and the dual meanings of "flowering" can work for your business. "Nirvana-mind body wellness" may mean something to you, but isn't clear what you're offering. You may also benefit from adding "Clinic" to your name to make it obvious you're a healing place as well ( is available).
  • Posted on Author
    @phil:hi phil.. ya i am aware that it shouldnt be an issue. but it should atleast have the name in it. i love your responses, especially nirvanamakesyouwell, which is available too. but do you think it is too big? and not catchy? and that website link i sent you is just for timepass. i just put it up so that you could see my logo.

    @karen: hi karen.. nervana just doesnt sound right, its sounds like neigh-rvana, whereas i want it to sound like nee-rvana. Also, i dont intend to use the website link i sent you, and anyways, what is all about??

    @jay hamilton-roth: dont you feel that it is tooo big a name to remember for a website? but thanks for this suggestion of adding clinic to my name. and are available. so i might grab them.

    can you suggest any other taglines? or this is good?
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member

    again Nirvana isn't always clear however using Flower or Floral leads to your methodology but results matter foremost to clients..

    Would 'Bloom, Blossom or Blossoming' give you more clarity and naming options that meet your needs too?


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