
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tag Line Needed For Dog Training Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need help coming up with a tagline for my dog training business, Keenly Canine ( I currently teach puppy kindergarten, basic obedience, and intro to agility with the hope of adding more classes. My homepage has the following statement on it "Our goal is to teach you how to teach your dog to be a successful family companion." I think that is too long to use as a tagline, but would like my tagline to convey similar content. Thanks! Kate
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Cesar Millan has been called a Dr. Phil for dogs. His slogan is "Achieving balance between people and dogs". He is the number one brand in this category.

    Your statement ""Our goal is to teach you how to teach your dog to be a successful family companion." is very similar to what Cesar and probably many other competitors use to describe their practice. It is really generic to the category and not unique to your brand.

    So do some more thinking about what is really unique about you and your dog training approach, philosophy, personality or anything else that will connect with your target audience.

    If you can find your right strategy, the tagline will be easy to write and own as a brand claim.

    hope this helps,

  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Consider incorporating some reference to WHERE you are (and where your target audience is). Something like:

    "The Best Behaved Pets in [CityName]"

    Of course, [CityName] can be a nicknamre, region name, etc.

    This does a few things for you: It makes a performance claim. It promises the result people want, not lessons on how to do it themselves.

    It also says you're local and know the area, the customs, and the people. You're not part of a national chain or franchise.

    And it saves you from positioning yourself as training humans -- which most of your prospects will not want. They want their dogs to behave; not to be taught how to modify their own behavior. (I understand that the two go together, but that's not why people are going to call you.)

    Another approach altogether:

    "Be Your Dog's Best Friend"

    You probably want to communicate an emotional benefit to your audience, not a "recipe" or "how to" training message. People buy benefits/results, not recipes or ingredients or tools.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Some other suggestions:

    Be Proud Of Your Dog.
    The Fastest Way To Well-Behaved
    Come. Sit. Stay. Leave Trained.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Hi Kate, welcome.

    I've recently become a fan of the 'Nothing in Life is Free' dog training philosophy for my Cattle Dog, so I too understand how rewarding the correct schooling can be.

    Creating Contented Dogs & Masters For Life.
    Team Building Skills Thru Fun.
    Changing Puppies to Pals Effortlessly

    Good luck

  • Posted by Christina Dzingala on Member
    How about:

    Keenly Canine
    Teaches dogs to be fine.

    Keenly Canine
    Skills * Obedience * Agility

    Keenly Canine
    Doggie skills just in time.

  • Posted on Member
    How about:

    Keenly Canine
    Taking the lead in dog training

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions so far! They have been very helpful and given me much to think about!

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