
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Name For My Green Boutique

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I upcycle wool and cashmere sweaters into clothing and accessories for women and children. I also dabble in vintage purses, shoes and accessories. I am opening a booth in a merchants/antique mall; however I want it to present as a boutique store - not just a booth. In order to determine how I want to design the space, I really need a good name. I'd like something that reflects the environmental aspect, but please no "Eco" anything. I'm tired of that term already!

Someone here had suggested Green Sleeves to another person. I like it, but I don't. I like how its double meaning is clever; however, it also sets up a very formal, almost Elizabethan vibe that is directly opposite what I'm going for.

Earth friendly and natural, but not dirty and rustic (not for the all out non-bathing granola-types). Comfortable and casual, but still high fashion and unique style.

Ok, what do you think?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    While your upcycling is a good thing, it's unlikely that your customers would consider that a primary benefit. Instead, focus on what they care about: beautiful things. How about "Cashmere Couture" or even "Kashmir"?
  • Posted by kbrown on Accepted
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Jay's right. Stick with the fashion benefit, not the upcycling. For all the claims of concern for the environment, people still spend their money on fit, comfort and fashion. If you can nail those, the upcycling will be an added reassurance that you're doing something nice for the planet -- not a distracting element of your positioning or confusing part of the name that needs explaining.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted

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