
Topic: E-Marketing

What Is "misleading Header Information"?

Posted by telemoxie on 125 Points
I very much enjoyed Neil Squillante's Jan 27 Article.

I'm providing outbound telemarketing services for mulitple client companies, and sometimes send emails to follow up phone calls. I have configured Outlook so that I can send follow-up emails and look like a part of each team, e.g. from DaveK@theirdomain...

... is this a violation of the CAN-SPAM law?

Thanks -
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Yes, it is illegal.

    See this article for details:

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by telemoxie on Author

    Thanks, amandavega, the email address is a valid address.

    I'm callling and asking permission before sending each email. The email address is a valid account - my clients receive the email and autoforward email to my personal account. And so, if I send an email on their behalf, and someone replys to the email, I will receive the email. All the emails are follow-ups to conversations, none are unsolicited.

    Take care - TeleMoxie.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Author
    Thanks, Jett, the article you referenced describes "open proxies" and "false headers" as illegal - but does not describe what a "false header" or an "open proxy" is. I'm sending an email (with permission) and I'm giving a valid reply address. I'm just not sending the email from my client's email system - I'm sending it using my ISP.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Author
    Thanks, Michele - I guess I did a poor job of explaining what I'm doing. I do set up multiple outlook accounts, one for each client, and choose which reply to email address by using the drop-down menu (on the right side of the SEND button). But I guess I still don't know if this is technically illegal - I still don't know what "misleading header information" means.

    Take care, TeleMoxie
  • Posted by telemoxie on Author
    - - researching a bit more, following up Michele's comment, I just asked one of my clients if I could configure outlook to send mail using his server - he tells me this is not possible, he's connected himself using SBC... although the email address (his and mine) are valid, he does not have his own outgoing mail server...

    ... I still need to know - What is "misleading header information". ?

    Thanks - Telemoxie

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