
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For A Travel Company - Holiday Cellar

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I need a tagline for my travel company. Name of the company is Holiday Cellar.I want it short and simple yet unique in its message. I dont want the regular lines.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What can you tell us about your travel company that your customers are likely to know? Who do you serve? How do you specialize? What makes you better/different from the other travel companies (everyone says they have great service and know the area - what's unique)?
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Why Holiday Cellar? Is your shop based in a cellar?

    I find the 'Cellar' name not particularly conducive to thinking about booking a holiday. Maybe it's just me...

    If you are based in a cellar-type shop, then perhaps you could leverage that in your tagline: e.g. Down the stairs for take off...

    Like Jay said, what's your unique selling proposition?

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Why do you want a tagline? What do you expect it to do for you? Who are you trying to reach, and what do you want them to know?

    Answer these questions and the ones from Jay, Chris and Phil (above), and we'll do our best to come up with a great tagline for you.

    Assuming we do come up with several candidates, how are you going to select the right one to use? What criteria will you use to pick the winner? If we know that, there's a much better chance we'll deliver for you on the first try.
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Holding back the best trips just for you.

    That's all I can think of. I have an ideal that you're playing on the cellar/seller idea but not sure that will translate.


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