
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For A Highly Professional Mortgage Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have been in the mortgage business for 8 years in Hawaii. I have focused mainly on high-end jumbo loans and have become almost too niched. No one thinks of me for conforming or average loans.
I am starting my own company. I am looking for a name that exudes professionalism, confidence, knowledge, trust, etc. I want to cover the entire market not just jumbo. We may want to get licensed in other states so the name has to cross state boundaries. I am really looking for something new and fresh. Any help would be appreciated.
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    regarding your statement "I want to cover the entire market ..", this is very probably not the way to go (unless you are Coke and can really pull it off).

    Better to segment the market in some way so you can construct your messaging for something specific to a specific target. And yes, you do have to give up total marketshare in order to own some marketshare.

    "All mortgages to all people" is not a successful positioning strategy.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Here are a couple of names to play with:
    The Loan Wizard
    Mortgage Master

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