
Topic: Taglines/Names

Catchy Name For A Social Networking Site?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I would appreciate suggestions for a social networking site that caters for social and business users.
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  • Posted by mvaede on Accepted
    It's a crowded place already - especially in this LinkedIn post-IPO period - so you need to position it.

    Is this targeted to any particular type of business people ?
    Do you have any special features or partnerships worth mentioning and maybe even highlighting with the name ?
    What is the purpose of this site ? simply allowing business people to be social online or ??

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted on Author
    It is a non profit venture. It is by all means a social network but it with the choice to have business account which has different system of opperating. Business accounts linked to business accounts.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    I think you have a problem if you expect to be able to serve both social and business networkers within one platform.

    Social is already flat out. If you want social then Facebook - what would you have that would be better than that?

    For business, there are already many platforms. Do they work? I think the jury is still out. What could your platform offer that fills a gap, or meets and unmet need out there? What is your business/revenue model?

  • Posted by mvaede on Member
    You are looking for a name, right ?
    not a recommendation to an existing site...

    If the former is right, then
    Business Helpers
    Social Sponsors
    Community Biz

    What would be the benefit for a company to join ?
    This benefit could be integrated in to the name....

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for your comments and you are perfectly correct the idea is not worked out and most likely a misguided venture that is bound to be acessed and reacessed before it is implemented. I hope i did not offend anyone in this forum or feel that my comments were offensive.

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