
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Psychology Consultancy Firm

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am an industrial psychologist who recently decided to move away from Academia (Was/Is a researcher). Im struggling to come up with a snappy tagline/logo ideas. My practice's name is "PSYCHAI CONSULTING". I specialise in the development of people (coaching, counselling, mentoring, team development etc) with a unique positive psychology (strengths-based) approach. Im thinking something in the line of Optimising potential. But I've ran out of ideas. This is what I have.... But its pretty lame :P

Optimising expectations

Turning potential into reality

Turning potential into passion

We’re listening (Alla Fraiser Craine :P )

Developing through potential

Wisdom through dreaming

Focusing potential, Optimising growth

Any ideas would help? :)
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Why have you selected "PSYCHAI CONSULTING" as your practice brand? What does it say to your target segment(s)? Have you received feedback to confirm your messaging targets gain something from your name choice?

    As for tagline, if you were to provide a positioning/benefit statement of one to several sentences in length, we could better serve you with suggestions.

  • Posted on Author
    Well, Psychai has a very strong Greek Mythological significance. The Psychai were various nymphs and demi-god who had a strong connection to Psyche. The same here. The services which we render aims to utilize the strengths of the individual, team or organisation in order to optimise their potential.

    Our unique brand proposition is that we develop individuals based on their unique strength combination. We facilitate (through coaching) the development from their current state to the desired state. We help individuals to recraft their work and lives in order to derive more meaning... To help them engage more in both these domains... To help them to cut loose the ties of the past, showing gratitude for positive events.... Teach the skills to savour life's joys and being mindful.... and finally to facilitate the generation of hope and optimism through cognitive reconstruction.

    I hope this helps! thank you so much for your time in reading this message!!!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I think you're too wrapped up in what you do and what you stand for. Think instead about your primary target audience and what unmet needs of theirs you might fulfill. Where do they live? What's important to them? Why might they want to retain you? What's in it for them?

    I'll bet most of your target audience don't have any clue what/who Psychai is/was or even how to pronounce it. The words you've used to describe what you do are also likely to be perceived as "psychobabble" by most folks.

    I strongly suggest you have a trained market research professional interview a dozen people in your target audience and see what unmet needs they express and what words they use to express those needs. Of course, you will need to define that target audience very precisely.

    (The reason for a market research professional is to ensure a level of objectivity that will be virtually impossible for you to impose on the exercise. You're much too close to the forest to be able to count the trees.)

    Until you uncover an important benefit that you can provide, and express it terms that are meaningful and compelling to your primary target audience, it's really premature to be thinking about a tagline.

    And I'd also urge that you reconsider the name of your consultancy to be more indicative of what you do and/or what benefit your target audience might expect when they hire you.

    I don't mean this to be snide or disrespectful. It's just that you are at a point in forming your practice where you can still get this right from a marketing standpoint. It would be irresponsible for us to start making up taglines without having a good understanding of who is in your target audience and what unique and compelling positioning benefit you're promising them.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I'm with Michael - the name you chose is likely to not help you achieve your business goals - unless you're targeting people from Greece or people familiar with Greek literature. Are you targeting (unfulfilled) employees in companies, people in a mid-life crisis, or something else entirely? I'd suggest starting by focusing on a clear problem your target audience is facing and is willing to pay for. Savoring life's joy's is nice, but not a burning problem.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Very controlled and thoughtful answer Michael... you're getting better at this ;))

    Waiting on more details too.

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