
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Cooking School

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Good day everyone

I want to start a cooking school for ages 3-15 years. I need ideas for a name, it must be short but descriptive. And it must suit the ages involved. Thanks. Natasja
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    1. What can you tell us about the decision-makers for your target audience? Where do they live? How and where do they learn about options like yours? What are the most important factors they consider when planning activities for the kids? What/who is your competition?

    2. We will have a bit of a problem coming up with a good name that covers that very broad age range. Three-year-olds can't even read, and 15-year-olds are already teen-agers, interested in the opposite sex, have lots of homework, may be involved in sports, etc. Trying to position yourself as being right for both extremes (and those in the middle) is going to be all but impossible. You might consider a narrower target audience.

    3. Have you developed a business plan yet? If not, you might want to do that before you start searching for a suitable name. Same with a marketing plan. Those up-front planning steps will force you to deal with the target audience and the positioning considerations that will/should impact the naming direction for your business.
  • Posted on Author
    Mgoodman, thank you for your response. I'm from South Africa. The idea is to go to a few schools, pay them for the hiring of their kitchens and doing the classes there. Instead of doing the flyer thing, my idea is to get in contact with parents personally. How does the name Spoons Cooking School sound? The classes will be divided into three age groups, an hour per class with 6 children in each group. There is currently no competition in the area.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Wee Cooks
    Kids Who Cook
    Cooking With Tykes
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Kids in the kitchen
    Fun with Food

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