
Topic: Taglines/Names

What's In A Name?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
A fully renovated and soon to be re-branded 4-star resort is set to reopen its doors in the Caribbean island of Tobago.

The resort offers guests an unforgettable, luxurious experience and boasts of breathtaking vistas and panoramic oceanfront rooms. This tranquil hideaway blends idyllically the island's rich cultural tradition with all comforts of modern living.

The target market is the 4-star luxury traveler 45-65 years of age from the UK, Germany, USA and Canada.

We’re testing in these markets but would like to get feedback from professionals and experts in the creative industry.

In another post you’ll be asked again , but with the context and meaning of each name provided.

From the names below which do you prefer, why, and what comes to mind when you see or hear it?

1. The Levanter Resort, Tobago, W.I

2. Saráme Resort, Tobago, W.I

3. Jabiru Resort, Tobago, W.I

4. Royal Bella Resort, Tobago, W.I

Thanks everyone for your feedback, it will be interesting to read the selections and the reasons behind them.
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  • Posted on Member
    I quite like the sounds of the 4th name as it sounds more "West Indies" than 2 and 3 which could be mistaken for Arabic located resort. What springs to mind is a beautiful hotel in a luxury setting, which is what I hope you were aiming for! The 1st name, I have to say, I like the least.

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    hmmmmmm ...

    At least I know what "Royal Bella" means. I had to look up "Levanter".

    Royal Bella sounds more like a cruise ship to me, so of these four I vote for Levanter (although it could also be a cruise ship).

    Hope this helps??

  • Posted by shmily97 on Accepted
    I chose Royal Bella because I had no idea what the first three words meant so they told me nothing about the resort.

    I did eventually look them up, but since you want to post a secondary question pertaining to context and meanings I wont go into it now.

    Royal Bella suggests to me that I can expect to find that the resort is of high quality and beautiful.

    If that's all I had to go on that is the one I would choose.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Because Jabiru is a tourist destination in Australia, why pick a name that's likely to be confusing?

    Instead of "The Levanter Resort", why not "Levant Blanc Resort (connoting good weather).

    Saráme Resort has no positive/negative connotation for me.

    Royal Bella Resort sounds Italianate.

    Given your description, how about "Tranquility Base Resort"?
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Sorry, having Resort in the name speaks of volume, crowds and anything but exclusivity to me.

    It's all about Pairing.

    Pair the rebranding with something exclusive, memorable & emotive ...your exotic fruity raisin like chocolate, the coralline beaches ... the contagious calypso.

  • Posted on Accepted
    To adapt my answer to a previous similar question -- go to the Google Keyword tool and see what search terms are being used most often for the kind of resort and holiday experience you offer. Let us say that a search term used a lot were "luxury Carribean resort." Register the domain name and variations of it, such as -- according to the keyword results. You regsiter different domain names for different target markets. They all link back to your main site.

    That is the computer/Internet/SEO friendly part of your name. Now you need to add a human friendly part to it, some humor or charm. The domain name stays the same; you just want to make the name catchier, easier to remember - FOR YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE.

    Your asking us is the right approach, wrong audience. Ask your potential customers. Consider setting up a naming contest over travel agencies and the social media, Facebook, Twitter, etc. If you make the prize major (a free stay at your resort, which actually does not cost you that much to give away anyway) you could generate some nice "buzz" for a grand opening. The winning name is decided upon by the participants, your target market, voting for their favorite.


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