
Topic: Taglines/Names

Catering Company Needs Title For Cookbook

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am chef/owner of a 52 year old Catering Company. We do many corporate and social events and are well known and respected in our city. We are third generation chefs and have cooked for many high end events encluding several Presidents as well as weddings, birthdays, and office events.

We have a lot of history which we can share in the book as well as great photos of beautiful parties and recipes

I am looking for a title for the cookbook. It will be hardback about 200 pages with 80-100 full pages of photos.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The book title is a very important part of the marketing plan for your book. So the place to start is with the marketing plan.

    Who is your target audience? Why are you writing the book? Is it mostly a credential builder, or do you really expect to make money selling the book? Or is it going to be a premium you can give away to make clients feel like they've received something extra? Or is it just to feed your ego?

    It's very important that you identify what success looks like, or you will end up putting in a lot of time, effort, and money without ever knowing if it was worth the investment.

    How will you sell the book? How will people learn that the book is available? Why should they buy the book? How is it different from the hundreds (or even thousands) of cookbooks on the market?

    Most authors start backwards, by creating the book first and then trying to figure out how to market it. The right way to do this is to start with your objective and the marketing plan to achieve that objective. Then, once you have the marketing plan, the title will be a lot easier. Do you have a book proposal yet? Even if you're self-publishing you'd be well advised to write the book proposal ... as a starting point for your marketing plan.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Two important books you need to read before you start your book project:

    The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing, by Tom and Marilyn Ross (includes description and discussion of the book proposal)

    1001 Ways to Market Your Book, by John Kremer

    Don't let the titles fool you. These books are must-reading for ALL authors, regardless of how you plan to bring your book to market. And you'll benefit more if you read them BEFORE you start the project.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    3 Generations Of Great Cooks
    Exquisite Recipes
    Cook It Black
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Play on Jay's post -

    "Great Cooks 3G"

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