
Topic: Taglines/Names

Eco-friendly Water Dispenser Name And Tagline Suggestions

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am trying to think of a suitable product name and tagline or slogan for my product- an eco-friendly water dispenser.

the dispenser recycles water using a 4-step purification process involving Reverse Osmosis, UV disinfection, Carbon filtering and Activated carbon, and the plastic cups, which are anyway made of bioplastic pellets, are also recycled in the dispenser for unlimited usage.

I need a short name which will catch attention, especially of the investors, and also preferably a catchy, medium length tagline, upto 10 words is okay.

target audience- not specified, i'm not sure about all this, i am just assigned to think of a name and tagline and would request anyone who can to help me, i have to submit it by 3 weeks.

thanks, in advance.

P.S. i couldn't get very far myself, i thought of something to do with "H2O", or maybe something with the likes of "Reclaimed water", "Purity" or "Recycling"

P.P.S. I live in India, so please excuse me if I reply only at odd times (mostly between midnight and noon) according to this site's time.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Purely Recycled
    Sip It Pure
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted



    Scientifically Better Water x 4
  • Posted on Author
    thanks for the great responses! that's some really innovative thinking out there, beyond me. i am still considering the options and will close the question in some time probably a day or two, and will definitely post my final decision.

    thanks for the help so far!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    If the target audience is not specified, then any name will do. It is more likely to be inappropriate for the ultimate target audience than appropriate regardless.

    The other approach is to come up with a name that is neutral/generic and therefore likely to do nothing to position the product with anyone.

    Coming up with a name when you don't know anything about the target audience is an exercise in futility. Why was this assignment given to you? Is it possible it's a test just to see if you actually snap at the bait? What's the purpose of the name?

    Is there an option to teach the person who assigned the project a thing or two about the importance of positioning and naming?
  • Posted on Author
    thanks for the reply, i tried delving deeper into the product files, the dispenser is mainly aiming for commercial use in public places like malls, theaters, etc. in Mumbai and other metropolitan cities in India. So, i guess the target audience would be educated, middle-upper class Indians.

    The main idea behind the name is to make it very addictive, kind of memorable, like right now every second Indian knows the name "Aquaguard" as the standard water purifier, something like that.

    The test idea is interesting, i'll have to be more careful in the future...

    Thanks for the help so far, i will close the question by tomorrow and post my decision later.
  • Posted on Author

    I have closed the question and given the points to the two people who suggested some brilliant names and taglines. I have decided, at least for the moment, to stick to ReFresh as the dispenser name and "Purity Recycled" as the tagline.

    So, thanks to everyone who helped me!
  • Posted on Member
    Name : Dispenser

    Tag line : Pure by nature

    when you are not sure of something, be obvious

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