
Topic: Taglines/Names

Antique/funky Reclaimed Architectural Nostalgia

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need a name for my product line of reclaimed furniture, architectural salvage, and antique collectables/nostalgia. We live in rural Americana with a soon revived downtown square. I sell from a booth in an Antique mall but want to go www. as well. Would love to have my own shop on the square some day.

Famous landmarks: Bois D'arc Creek, Fannin Co., Sam Rayburn Library, County Seat, Courthouse on the Square.

Sentimental references: Flower Mountain, Roosters/chicken, Tractors, Front Porch, Country home, screen door.

Would like a name that has some legs. Standing on heritage, Main street, Mercantile, but with a funky twist? A traditional name would be okay, but I don't know which descriptive to use: name + General Store, Mercantile, Goods, etc...?

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Tell us about your target audience. Who are they? Where do they live? How do they learn about your business? How do they find you? How do they buy the sort of things you sell? What goes through their minds as they weigh the purchase decision?

    In the ideal case, the name points up what you do, what benefit your customers should expect, and what makes you special. If we're going to come up with a great name, we need to know those things too.

    And the name is really for the benefit of your target audience, so the more you can tell us about those folks, how they think, what words they use, and whatever else you know about them, the better our ammunition will be.

    You might consider putting together a Creative Brief for this naming project. You'll find the process beneficial for you, and it will be critically important to making sure we deliver what you really need.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    FlashBacks Decor.
    Take A Trip And Never Leave The Farm.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Repeating my standard "cut and paste" answer to the question of a name: Go to the Google Keyword tool and see what search terms are being used most often for antiques, collectibles and nostalgia. Let us say you are in "Fanin Town" and your research leads you to think that a search term used a lot would probably be "antiques, Fanin" and "collectibles, Fanin" Register the associated domain names.

    That is the computer/Internet/SEO friendly part of your name. Now you need to add a human friendly part to it, some humor or charm. One way to do that is with a contest, perhaps using social media (Facebook, etc.) or anouncing it at local churches, etc.

    People get to vote for the name and there is some kind of event, a grand opening, associated with the official naming day.


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