
Topic: Taglines/Names

Catchy Name For A Sales Seminar With 4 Topics

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am planning a sales seminar for any sales person/sales manager who wants to kickstart their sales in 2012. There will be 3-4 key topics that focus on revving up sales. Need a catchy name.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Do you think the catchy name will convince anyone to sign up for your seminar? How about a professional name that tells them what the benefit is?

    Do you have a recognizable name/credential that will cause your target audience take notice and believe you can deliver what you promise? If so, then that needs to be in the name of the seminar -- catchy or not.

    How are you planning to generate awareness among your target audience? Is this a "real" seminar or an online webinar?
  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    More details, please.
    -- What are the three or four overarching topics?
    -- What improvements/benefits will attendees receive or experience? (Understanding of ... ability to ... tactics for ... tools for ...?)
    -- Do you really mean "any" salesperson, or do you mean, for instance, corporate sales representatives who live on the road, people who staff the retail counter in a small store, or people who live near [Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles]?
  • Posted on Author
    I don''t have enough details to provide based on the two responses above so I will close the question for now. Thanks!

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