
Topic: Taglines/Names

Company + Product Name

Posted by Han on 500 Points
Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

Me and my partner are starting a new business in personal care product, shampoo for starter. We've gone fed up thinking of name for our company and product and its reject by the govt.

Will appreciate any help for COMPANY name and PRODUCT name.

Shampoo with the same quality as the one u see in any hypermarket. I'm selling it in a more affordable price with bigger volume. eg. Pantene selling at $10 for 750ml, mine would be $20 for 2L (prices are references only)

target audience:
Primary - counsumer that work outstation where they need a cheaper and bigger shampoo. Family with more than 3 children with low average income. (this audience makes up to 60% of population in my country)
Secondary - all walks of life

I'll prefer the Shampoo Name to be more emotional and a little personal touch. maybe at 2 words max.

For my Company Name, i would love something that will potray the image of professional in the personal care industry.

both product and company doesnt have to relate to each other as my mother branding will be focusing on the Shampoo.

All answers are welcome.
and THANK YOU in advance :)
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Besides the price difference, what else can you tell us about the shampoo? Is it made from 100% organic materials? Is it hypo-allergenic? Is it safe for colored & perm'ed hair? Does it promote hair growth?

    Until we know more, the best we can do is provide some generic names, such as: Hair Shine or Shampeau.
  • Posted by Han on Author
    Hi Jay,

    It serves as a normal shampoo (medium range quality) such as sunsilk, pantene, rejoice. but without any enhancement like u've mention.

    It a basic shampoo for hair cleaning

    Hope this helps :)
  • Posted by Han on Author
    the given is just an example of the affordability of my product, cheaper price with bigger volume... not necessary 2L :)

    Its a brief idea of how my product will work in the market.

    that is why i''m not looking forward for scientific name, a more general name that my consumer can relate themself into.

    maybe something like Bella, Liscio, Suave......

  • Posted by Han on Author
    the given is just an example of the affordability of my product, cheaper price with bigger volume... not necessary 2L :)

    Its a brief idea of how my product will work in the market.

    that is why i'm not looking forward for scientific name, a more general name that my consumer can relate themself into.

    maybe something like Bella, Liscio, Suave......

  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    Hi, Han --

    As Jay said, we'll have to stay somewhat generic. But perhaps a non-English word be appropriate or memorable for your shampoo product brand? The suggestions you listed come from non-English roots. Something such as ...

    Fresco (fresh)
    Puro (pure)
    Joli (pretty)
    Favori (favorite)
    Luz (light)
    Brisa or Brezza (breeze)
    Cielo (heaven)
    or even ... Viva!

    They are short and could be graphically pleasing on a product label.

    As for your company name, go for simple and classic, such as Pure Personal Care; or combine some parts of your name and your partner's name such as ...
    Handol Personal Care ... Monhan Personal Care ... as long as it sounds like it could be a real name, then it will work.
  • Posted by Han on Author
    Thanks for all your help guys

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