
Topic: Taglines/Names

3 Different Technology Company Needs A Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are YES Technology Consultants Group -we consult clients in the areas of Home Electronics integration , Aging in Place technology and Facebook Commerce (fb stores)

We need a tagline, currently we use: 3 Disciplines All Technology and we've grown to dislike it.

Any Ideas?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What's "Aging in Place technology"?

    Who are your target clients - where are they located, what businesses do they own, etc.?
    Why would they choose your services?

    It sounds like you do different things for different target audiences, which means that you're either going to choose something generic (which you may also grow to dislike) or something specific for EACH of your client groups.
  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    This is like being a manufacturer of butter, guitars and motor oil, and wanting them all to go together :)

    Naming should match your organization, not just for now but for the future. So based on the snippet of information you've provided, here is a formula you can use as a model:

    Corporate level/holding company/HQ/main:

    Affirmatech Home Services
    ... Integrating residential technology
    Affirmatech Lifestyle Services
    ... Technology to support aging at home
    Affirmatech Commerce Services
    ... Online Stores using Facebook [ebay, and Amazon]

    In this way you can plan your growth without needing to adjust your name(s) as you serve new markets. Give each division an umbrella-like name, and let the tagline for each name define it. If change is necessary later, change only the tagline.

    As for the overall company name, choose something with technology suggested in the title, and do a domain search first to ensure the name you've chosen is available as a dot-com, as in the sample provided here.

    Organize new fields under one of these three divisions, if the new field is related. If it isn't, then create a new division -- e.g., Affirmatech Educational Services. Every division can branch off the main Affirmatech website.

    By the way, I couldn't find your firm using a quick Google search, so possibly you'll be doing some work to establish a website. If so, consider a simple home page with a strong "three choices" structure. See the current Proctor and Gamble home page ( as a good example of such a structure -- simple, elegant, professional, clear.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Procter & Gamble is spelled with an E in Procter. Proctoids (former P&G employees) notice that misspelling from 30,000 feet.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you very good advise

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