
Topic: Taglines/Names

Healthcare It Consulting Llc Too Generic?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I need to name my new LLC which provides IT consulting services to healthcare organizations like hospitals. Is Healthcare IT Consulting, LLC too generic of a name?

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    While it may be generic-sounding, it's clear. Is there a more specific a message you can create with your name (i.e., "Small Hospital IT Solutions, Inc.")?
  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    Generic can be good when it's this specific. Some tips to go along with it:

    1. Get a domain name that's much shorter. is available at this moment. (also:

    2. When you refer to your business promotionally, leave the LLC off. Use the LLC in technical writing, contracts, and footnotes. Almost every brand does this with their LLC, Inc, Corp., etc.

    3. Get beyond a generic feel by giving your business name visual currency using careful selection of typeface, colors or logo. A little money spent with a designer over this will have a big payback.

    Or, if you have a good design sense, search for illustrations at an online stock image site such as For just $10-$15, you can often find an illustration (graphic or drawing) that is a perfect representation of your company concept, and that elevates your name from generic to memorable, reliable and solid.

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