
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Name For My Online Embroidering Store

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I am looking for a good name for my embroidery store. My daughter's name is Tia Joy and I wanted to tie her into it somehow since she is my inspiration. I thought of Tia's joy embroidery, or something like institches. Any idea would be helpful. Sometimes I can be very creative and other times I am just worthless. Let's brainstorm together.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    How about "Joy of Embroidery"?
  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    Hi, there.

    It depends on what you want to accomplish. If your online store is mostly a hobby or a small sideline, then name it something heartfelt that is about you and your daughter, such as "Mia Tia" (

    However, if this is a serious business that you want to grow then, sorry, you need to give it a name that will attract customers. What kind of customers are you seeking -- corporate embroidered logos? Upscale monogramming? Country-chic homeowners looking for tea towels and table linens? Your name should help your desired audience recognize that your site is where they should shop. Examples:

    Embroidery Corps -- corporate (
    Monogram Luxury -- upscale (
    Handstitched Home -- country-chic (

    Tia Joy can always be your inspiration even if your business needs a non-Tia name. Look at it this way: By making your business as successful as it can be, you're giving your daughter a future that you're building from love. That's a tribute any daughter will grow to love.

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