
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline Needed For New Dance Site:

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I'm trying to come up with a tagline or slogan for my new dance site The site is like Netflix but with only dance dvds, which are mostly instructional.

This service is only US based. Some thoughts are:

Get your dance fix with DanceFlix.
Teaching America to dance... one DVD at-a-time.
Teaching the world to dance... one DVD at-a-time.
Teaching dance... one DVD at-a-time.


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  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    The next step in dance training

    Treat your toes to our videos

    You might consider using a term such as "video" in place of "DVD," since the delivery medium may change over time. For example, if your business should include digital downloads at some point in the future, a "DVD" tagline would be irrelevant.

  • Posted on Author
    Hi Peg!

    "Treat your toes to our videos" made me chuckle, but I don't think I can use it as a tag line for the site. I do really like your suggestion to use video instead of DVD. I did think about this, but figured I could always change video for DVD. Do you think it's better to just use "video" now?

    I'm likely going to use this one:

    "Teaching Dance, One Video at a Time"

    Unless someone can come up with something better :)

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Watch Dance Movies. Learn Dance Moves.
    Your Private Dance Instructor Has Arrived.
  • Posted by peg on Member
    How about "Teaching Dance, One Viewer at a Time" to put the focus back on your customer. The video isn't as important as the viewer.

    Agree with you about the "toes" but couldn't resist sending it.

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