
Topic: Taglines/Names

Home Based Jewelry Buisness Needs Name.

Posted by Paticake41 on 500 Points
I am opening a small home based costume and semi-precious jewelry business that I will market on facebook, home shows, word of mouth, and local marketing venues. I am looking for a name that is sophisticated, not silly, not too mature, feminine, catchy and sparks an interest. I like names of flowers that incorporate a taste of delight, but I am not at all settled for that. Being a resident of the south, I might possibly be interested in southern sounding names. It must be an open ended business, because as it grows, I would like to add other articles of accessries, such as, belts, scarves and handbags.
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    That's a tall order. Seems like you want the name to do all the marketing for you.

    Jewelry is very personal so I'd encourage you to build the brand around YOU as the designer. That means you'll need to use your name.


  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Sieboldii Collection (species of magnolia)

    Jewellery Whisperer

  • Posted by Paticake41 on Author
    Good thoughts...I might want to incorporate Accessories in the name to keep it open ended as I continue to build my merchandising I grow. Thanks for allowing your "wheels" to turn! Keep spinning please!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The most effective names from a marketing standpoint will be specific to your primary target audience and your benefit-oriented positioning. When you try to be "open-ended" you become less specific, and the name loses "bite."

    You are probably best served to focus on one specific target audience and one specific benefit/product/category. If that's successful, you can either line-extend or clone the business for another market with a new name that's specific to that market.
  • Posted by kannanveeraiah on Accepted
    A) Suggestions for Names :

    Jewel Garden !

    Garden of Jewels & Accessories !

    Cajolery - Jewels & Accessories !

    Gravitation - Jewels & More !

    Charms - Feminine Decors !

    Female Appeal !

    B) Suggestions for Tag-lines :

    ...For Accessories Unique like U !

    ...As Unique like U !

    ...For Choices to spoil U !

    ...Accessories For Choosy Ladies !

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