
Topic: Taglines/Names

Gym Time Precision Training & Nutrition

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
i need a slogan to help me get clients to respond, and want personal training, i have my gym at my home, so i can train 2 clients at a time. and its private so like most people they dent like gyms due to all the people, so my gym has a quiet atmosphere and personal.i just need a slogan to post on face book and all of the other links i use
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  • Posted by mvaede on Accepted
    Come do your Home-Out,

    Home Sweat Home - your personal gym

    Homey Gym

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What's the name of your at-home gym?
    Where are you located?
    Who specifically are you targeting (gender/age/fitness level, etc.)?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    If you can answer Jay's questions, there's a very good chance we can come up with a winning tagline for you.
  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    Since your business name doesn't appear to have a geographic element, your tagline should include a geo term because that's how people tend to search for trainers. So, here are some variations on that theme:

    Cityname Personal Fitness Expert with Private Gym

    Cityname's private gym & fitness training, one client at a time

    Private Cityname Gym, One-on-One Training

    Individual or family sessions in our private Cityname gym

    Also, if you want people to respond to you via Facebook, consider using an online booking service such as Booking Bug ( that lets people schedule sessions and make payments online rather than having to call you, etc.

  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    "A home for health"

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