
Topic: Taglines/Names

Youth Arts Project Needs Name

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Currently we operate under LYTE London Youth Theatre Education but we are offering a new program this fall for older urban kids with art, music, theatre, sound, movement, dance, spoken word poetry, script writing and all theatre arts. We need a good solid but relevant name that older youth will get and appreciate. Obvioulsy it can't be too cute as the young people we work with are inner city youth. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    LYTE your FYRE
    Fyre might stand for Find Your Right Element, or similar.
    (Free Your Righteous Essence? A little too '60s?)

    Move it. Speak it. Step on it.

    The Arts: Gettin' Real

  • Posted on Accepted
    Maybe something like
    LYTE: Have your say.
    Arts are about expressing yourself right?
    LYTE up London (that sounds pretty 'cool' i suppose)

    I think peg has some good ideas there, maybe instead of Move it. Speak it. Step on it. just have
    'Move it. Speak it. Step it. ' I think it's a bit more fluent
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Why not offer a naming contest for the older urban kids? Let them suggest names that they like. As a side benefit, the contest will generate some PR/awareness for LYTE.
  • Posted by mvaede on Accepted
    LYTE up London, currently playing :(

    Why not keep your name LYTE - already known and appreciated - but change the words to

    London Youthful Theater Education or
    London Youngster Theater Education

    B2B Marketing

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