
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Decor Shop

Posted by scarlet27 on 250 Points
Hi! My friend is opening a gift/decor shop and we have been racking our brains for a name. PLZ help!!!! We do not like: normal names like decorworld etc.

Shop sells unique gifts and furnishings and is well known as the place to go for unique gifts (we do not want unique in the name). Location is upmarket but mainly has singles young professionals.
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  • Posted by acquafied on Accepted
    I''m confused...the shop is "opening" and it "is well known as the place to go?" Is your friend changing the name of a current business?

  • Posted by scarlet27 on Author
    sorry, she sells gifts and it is very successful. she has always wanted to move to decor/furnishings and is opening a store across the road. she hates the name of her current shop. the front running at this stage is 'The Room'

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