
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Clever Name For A Business We're Lauching

Posted by rie.dunder on 250 Points
We need help with a humorous and catchy name for a business we're considering launching......Our audience will be RV owners and campers....We'll have 2 products.....One is an emergency contact info sleeve for pets in case they're lost....( very comfy and pet friendly) and the other is theft deterrent device for portable generators. Both products are extremely affordable..
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  • Posted by rie.dunder on Author
    Thanks for your response Monmark Group.....why the Nah on the pet emergency info? They're much better than the engraved version as a lot of pets reject them.....Anti theft device will not be able to be cut by cable so the thief will go to the next RV for an easier theft. The housing and the device will be fabricated to fit in a particular location on the motor home making it very unique and effective.
  • Posted by rie.dunder on Author
    Monmark.....I guess humorous is not necessary......Thanks again.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    So it's the business name you want, not 2 product names...?

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The two products are very different from each other. The thing they have in common is that they are both for RV owners and campers, so the name should probably focus on the target audience and perhaps some reference to security or peace of mind.

    Humor and "catchy" (or clever) are probably not great criteria for the name, as these are not "cute" products. They are serious products that provide important benefits. "Catchy" might be important if you were selling frivolous or decorative items, but not for these.

    You might start the naming process by sharing any research you've done among the target audience. What are their most important unmet needs? What words do they use to describe the benefits they'd want in these kinds of products? How/when do they decide what safety/security products to buy? Where do they learn about products like yours? What other products/brands are popular with your target audience? Etc.
  • Posted by acquafied on Accepted
    To hell with research and focus groups :)

    Here are some names...

    RVCampSafe - Pet ID Sleeve
    RVCampSafe - Generator Theft Deterrent

    RVCampSecure (with same as above)

    Note: My first suggestions were going to be CampSafe and CampSecure, but those .com domains are already taken. The others are available, at the moment.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    I can see the pet ID being useful for more than RV/Campers...

    The verb BOLT comes to mind, as in BOLT prevention..

    'Bolt Proof' would seem to have some common ground for both products. Logo folks could have fun with this.
    Mr Bolt is also the worlds premier sprinter but this should not be a problem and perhaps help.

    (Some may quickly scan the words as Bullet Proof which isn't terrible company compared to other product names that have morphed into nasty associations overtime)

    Pets do take-off/Bolt on their own and without a dog handy .. generators too I guess and other shiny things.

    Good luck
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    Halter's or Halt's RV Safety Systems






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