
Topic: Taglines/Names

110th Anniversary Slogan Needed For Non-profit

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Next year the non-profit I work for, Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities, will celebrate 110 years of service to those who are homeless, addicted, and in poverty in our community. Our tagline is Our Mission is Changing Lives!

Any ideas on an anniversary slogan/theme that could incorporate changed lives, reflecting on the past, and looking toward the future?

Thanks for your help!
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  • Posted by acquafied on Accepted
    Nothing specific is coming to mind except the idea of "Giving 110% for 110 years".

    Maybe someone else can play off of that germ of an idea if you think it might work.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Congratulations on reaching your new milestone. But what's your goal for your slogan - a year-long celebration, a change in direction, or something else? Why not tweak your existing tagline to: "Since 1902, Our Mission is Changing Lives"? How will things change when you're ready to celebrate your 111th year (etc.)?

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