
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline Needed For Energy Services Company!

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am looking for a catchy and professional tagline for my energy services company. We provide solutions for energy efficiency that ultimately increase the bottom-line for building owners & save them significant money on their monthly utility bills. I appreciate all of your suggestions in advance!

More about us...

My company is a comprehensive energy services consultant & contractor based out of Los Angeles, CA. We consult with commercial, industrial, retail, and multifamily residential property owners and managers on becoming more energy efficient.

We provide comprehensive energy audits to identify opportunities to reduce a building's energy & water costs by up to 60%. Our services include: lighting retrofits, water conservation upgrades, solar/pv installations, building automation controls, variable frequency drives (VFDs), HVAC upgrades, etc.

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  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Eliminating BrownOut By Putting GreenIn

    Your CFO's New Best Friend

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What's the name of your company?
    How are you better/different from your competition (after all, aren't all energy audits the same)?
    Is the motivation for people to contact your organization the need to save money long-term or is there another reason?
  • Posted on Author
    - We different from lighting contractors, from plumbers, from HVAC technicians because we provide comprehensive solutions and services of all those people under 1 roof.

    - The motivation of people to contact us is to save money, environmental impact is a secondary benefit

    Thank you for your questions.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Your One-Stop Energy Savings Center
    LA's Energy Saving Experts
  • Posted by Jerry Angrave on Accepted
    What's the one thing you want to be famous for? Your expertise; the amount you can save your customers; the reduction in environmental impact? Or a combination? Good to have a focus as those things will appeal in different ways rationally and emotionally to different people.

    If the 'everything under one roof' is a key component of your service proposition, as far as your customers are concerned you're also telling them the benefit is going to be about convenience as well as saving money

    Lower bills. Lower emissions. No hassle.

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