
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tag Line For Plumbing Business

Posted by jessrhodes_89 on 125 Points
I am writing content for a flyer for my husbands plumbing business and i want to use a tag line that is punchy. The business is called Monty's Plumbing.
web address

Aiming this to builders and also residential.

Your help is appreciated.
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    What's the key benefit Monty's plumbing provides to its customers? That's what you need in the tagline.

    Punchy doesn't really cut it. Communicate a benefit that sounds real and like it would be of value, and you've already got the customer halfway to the sale.

    Now here's the problem: The benefit to a builder might be one thing, and to a consumer it might be something else. Is there any common ground in terms of something that would be construed as a benefit by both a builder and a consumer?

    Tell us more and we'll be able to help much better.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Chris is pointing you in the right direction. When you have different target audiences, seeking different benefits, you need separate brochures (and other communications) for each one.

    Your website should probably segment visitors right on the homepage -- commercial and residential. There's no need for a general contractor to know that you do residential maintenance, just as a homeowner doesn't care if you do construction plumbing. When you mix the benefits and audiences, you just confuse everyone with information that isn't relevant for them.

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