
Topic: Taglines/Names

Technical Translation

Posted by TILO on 500 Points
Hi All

I am looking for a tag line for a technical translation company whose core value is building stable employment for the employees through solid relationships with their customers.

Not sure if you can come up with something interesting

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    You'll need to give us more details to help you.

    Let's start with...
    ...where are you located?
    ...what type of clients do you serve? Located where?
    ...why do companies choose your services (instead of the competition)?
    ...why should your prospects care about "solid relationships"? Why wouldn't they care about translation that's accurate, effective, on-time, and cost-efficient?
  • Posted by TILO on Author
    OK I will try and provide a bit more meat on the bone:

    where are you located? Spain

    what type of clients do you serve? Technology companies including R&D, Telecoms, IT etc

    Located where? Globally predominantly Europe and North America

    why do companies choose your services (instead of the competition)? Expertise, Price and consistent service is the foundation. We try to know our customers really well and build relationships lasting years

    ...why should your prospects care about "solid relationships"? We don't believe in grabbing your money and running. We want to ensure that the customer is happy with the service and continue to come back

    Why wouldn't they care about translation that's accurate, effective, on-time, and cost-efficient? Not sure what you are after here?

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    We Ensure Everyone Understands You
    Quick & Accurate. Long-Term Satisfaction.
    Technical Accuracy With a Personal Touch
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    You say that your "core value is building stable employment for the employees through solid relationships with their customers." If I was looking for a technical translation company, I'd want a core value of quality technical translations with quick turnarounds. I think the tag line should reflect this (and Jay Hamilton-Roth's suggestions are aimed at this).
  • Posted by TILO on Author
    I almost like like "Quick & Accurate" but I am concerned that quick may not be the case. Let me explain. The aim is not to provide the translations as quickly as possible, but more in line with the customers requirement. I am also like the word quality.

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