
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help With Business Name/tagline ...

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am in the process of starting up a new retail shop. I will be opening up with a primary focus on women's, junior's and children's consignment clothing. I also sell southern heritage style t-shirts under the business name of Dixiegal Designs.

I have three options right now for my store name.

1. The second time's a charm
2. Dixie Charms
3. Southern Charms

My problem here is this...although I will be starting out as a consignment store, I hope in the future to be able to also offer some brand new clothing as well.

I also carry a line of home decorative items that are brand new.

I want people to know I am a consignment store. But I don't want to give the impression that I deal in only used clothing. There are only two other consignment stores in the city I am in and one of them is discontinuing her consignment to put in a diner.

I don't want the perception of being a "thrift shop".

I want to give the impression of a nice quaint boutique where you can find nice items, good quality at an affordable price.

Can anyone help me here?
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Try the advice and process here, if you want someone to work through the process with you then contact me (very reasonable rates!)
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Drop the S from charms. I like "Dixie Charm" as a store name.

    Not feeling charming? Try "Dixie Grace" or "Dixie Fluff" or "Dixie Whims."

    Hmmmmm, I think my favorite is that last one!

    For a tagline...
    "Unique designs and consignments for gals, girls and their rooms."

    I'll keep thinking... as usual!

    - Shelley ;]

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