
Topic: Taglines/Names

Connecting People Globally Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Can someone use "Connecting People Globally" as part of tagline of a company though Nokia is having "Connecting People"?
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  • Posted by Andy Fracica, MBA on Accepted
    Are you in the same industry? If not, then I think you can use the tagline. If you are in the same industry, there could be some confusion, and you may hear from their attorneys.

    I hope that helps,

    Andy Fracica
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Sure ... there are two corporations that use names that are much closer, and this connotes a somewhat different image.
  • Posted by steve hates you on Accepted
    i think a bigger problem for you to be concerned about is your suggested tagline says nothing to the shopper as to why they should do business with you :(

    many business could say they connect people globally. so work on your USP first, then create a tagline frmo that.

    unless you are just a $99 logo designer and you need something to throw on the logo to finish the project before you go to work at Taco Bell
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Depends on your niche and market sector. Also depends on how large your legal coffers are, should Nokia send you a letter requesting that you cease and desist from using what is, in essence, their trade mark and therefore, their intellectual property. Either way, the "globally" thing is probably a given.

    On a deeper level, I agree with Steve: "Connecting People Globally" to do what? To what end? For what gain? For which market?

    Connections are only of use if they help achieve a specific desired result that's mutually beneficial to both parties: what's the point of having an electrical outlet if you have nothing to plug into it. What's the point of having something that needs power if there's no electrical outlet?

    The connection, the network, is useless unless it brings about some other desired state.

    I hope this helps. Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Princeton, NJ, USA

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