
Topic: Taglines/Names

How To Internally Market Business Decisions

Posted by oliverm1 on 250 Points
Currently we are undergoing many different changes within the organization. We have been structuring product lines as well as getting out of certain areas of business that we have been doing for over 30 years. Our goal is to focus on the things that we do well in, and not get caught up trying to be "everything to everybody".

Along with these changes include product discontinuation, price changes, product flow changes, discounts, order entry etc.

Many of these change can cause resistance internally if not properly communicated. I'd like to not only send out a memo internally to our administrative staff notifying everyone of the changes and the effective date once they occur, but to also put a positive spin on it to them and the rest of the production floor.

I'm trying to figure out how to name these internal memo's as well as how to capitalize on the positive things going on around the organization so everyone can have a upbeat sense of where we're going and rally around it.
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  • Posted by oliverm1 on Author
    Monmark, thanks for the response. We have done strategic planning, have a set business plan and have done a SWOT Analysis. We''ve also managed to double the size of our staff as well as our revenue in the last year and a half. Still, the struggle is to find a really great way to communicate change, to notify everyone of different decisions that have been made, and to market it to the organization to get people to really understand and rally behind it.

    We''re trying to figure out a creative way to name/write internal notifications for our administrative team (as a way of documenting and informing everyone of changes), as well as different ways to communicate these to the rest of the organization.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Our Next 30 Years
    Why The Change?
    Why Change Now?
  • Posted by somm0104 on Accepted
    Don''t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow
    Our Future is in Your Hands

    I suggest something that encourages the reader to think about how he or she is and can be a fundamental part of the future and not how they may be left out or behind by other people.

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